Our beautiful Tri CHW, Zoey stands 14" and weighs 18lbs. She and Kaplin, a beautiful 24lb Atypical blue CHW welcomed this precious little girl into the world on August 30th! We have named their puppy, Jessie. She is a tri CHW like her momma and will mature within the standard size of around 14" fully grown. Both Kaplin and Zoey have several champions listed in their pedigrees. Both parents are also fully genetically health tested. Jessie will not be affected by CEA, DM, MDR1, VWD3, CNGA1, and PRA!
Jessie was born and is being raised in our home with children, other dogs, and cats. She will be vet checked, vaccinated, dewormed, flea free and microchipped before leaving to her new home. Jessie will leave with our 2yr health guarantee and puppy starter pack that includes food, blanket with moms scent, toys, treats, and collar.
A deposit of $500 can reserve Jessie for your family until she can leave to her new home on October 26th. Balance would be due at pick up or if being transported out of state, balance is due 5 days prior to transport. We do offer ground transport (to your front door), meeting partway, or meeting at the local airport (CMH) - costs for these options will vary.
PLEASE NOTE: price listed is for PET ONLY, if you want full AKC registration, contact me to discuss.
Jessie was born and is being raised in our home with children, other dogs, and cats. She will be vet checked, vaccinated, dewormed, flea free and microchipped before leaving to her new home. Jessie will leave with our 2yr health guarantee and puppy starter pack that includes food, blanket with moms scent, toys, treats, and collar.
A deposit of $500 can reserve Jessie for your family until she can leave to her new home on October 26th. Balance would be due at pick up or if being transported out of state, balance is due 5 days prior to transport. We do offer ground transport (to your front door), meeting partway, or meeting at the local airport (CMH) - costs for these options will vary.
PLEASE NOTE: price listed is for PET ONLY, if you want full AKC registration, contact me to discuss.